About Us

Who Am I?

Hi I’m Rene… I’ve been a “happy” self-employed Entrepreneur for over 35 years.

– Author of 40 books and manuals on hypnosis, marketing, self-help and mental conditioning.
– Founder of the American School of Hypnosis – with over 25 Independent training offices worldwide.
– President of the American International Association of Hypnosis – The worlds #1 ranked Hypnotherapy and Self-Help Association Worldwide.

The Universe rewarded me with my lovely partner Raluca (I know; Beauty and the Beast right?) and together we studied, practiced and specialized in workings of the mind, the Law of Attraction and most importantly the human thought process. Now that our hypnosis empire is almost entirely automated we have the time to devote most of our time to the things we love the most.

For me of course you already know it’s the Being GREEN thingy.. and for Raluca it’s the cosmetic and beauty field…

I’d like to thank you for visiting and I’ll see you on the inside.
